import { Card } from '@dnb/eufemia'
is a block section element showing the white box with rounded gray borders, adding spacing automatically.
It uses Flex.Item under the hood. When one of these properties were given, stack
, direction
or spacing
– the Flex.Container will be used.
import { Card } from '@dnb/eufemia'import { Form, Field } from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms'render(<Form.Handler data={existingData} onSubmit={submitHandler}><Card><Field.Email path="/dataPath" /><Form.ButtonRow><Form.SubmitButton /></Form.ButtonRow></Card></Form.Handler>,)
It uses a section
element. Which allows you to add an aria-label
or aria-labelledby
to provide screen readers with landmarks.
<Card aria-labelledby="unique-id"> <Form.SubHeading id="unique-id" space={0}> Heading </Form.SubHeading> <P>Content inside a landmark ...</P> </Card>
Default border
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus pharetra elit in bibendum.
<Card> <P> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus pharetra elit in bibendum. </P> </Card>
Vertical fields
When you use Eufemia Forms, you may want to use Form.Card instead of the original Card component.
<Form.Card> <Flex.Vertical> <Field.String label="Label" value="Value" /> <Field.String label="Label" value="Value" /> </Flex.Vertical> </Form.Card>
Horizontal fields
When you use Eufemia Forms, you may want to use Form.Card instead of the original Card component.
<Form.Card> <Flex.Horizontal> <Field.String label="Label" value="Value" width="small" /> <Field.String label="Label" value="Value" width="stretch" /> </Flex.Horizontal> </Form.Card>
When stack
is set to true
, the Card will add a gap between its children and stretch them to the full.
For form components, you should Form.Card instead of the original Card component.
Stacked content
Stacked content
<Card stack> <P>Stacked content</P> <P>Stacked content</P> </Card>
When stack
is set to true
, the Card will add a gap between its children and stretch them to the full.
Nested Cards
Nested cards have responsive={false}
by default and will not behave responsive.
First Card
Second Card
Third Card (for edge cases only)
<Card stack> <P>First Card</P> <Card stack> <P>Second Card</P> <Card stack> <P>Third Card (for edge cases only)</P> </Card> </Card> </Card>
With When using outset
, the Card will break out of the layout container.
On small screens (mobile) the outset is removed.
I'm left aligned
Card content
Nested card
<Flex.Vertical> <Form.MainHeading>I'm left aligned</Form.MainHeading> <Card stack outset> <P>Card content</P> <Card> <P>Nested card</P> </Card> </Card> <Form.SubmitButton text="I'm also left aligned" /> </Flex.Vertical>
Without padding
no inner space
<Card innerSpace={false} align="stretch"> <P>no inner space</P> </Card>
With nested Section
The Card components needs to have stack={true}
or align="stretch"
in order to stretch its children components.
Card with a nested Section
no inner space
no inner space
<Flex.Stack> <Card gap="x-small" align="stretch"> <Form.SubHeading>Card with a nested Section</Form.SubHeading> <Section variant="info" innerSpace={{ top: 'small', bottom: 'medium', }} > <Field.String width="medium" label="In nested Section" /> </Section> </Card> <Card innerSpace="x-large" stack> <Section variant="info" innerSpace={{ top: 'small', bottom: 'medium', }} > <Field.String width="medium" label="Card with a 'x-large' inner space" /> </Section> </Card> <Card innerSpace={false} align="stretch"> <P>no inner space</P> <Section innerSpace backgroundColor="var(--card-outline-color)"> <Field.String width="medium" label="Card with no inner space" /> </Section> <P>no inner space</P> </Card> </Flex.Stack>
With Table
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Row 1 | Row 1 | Row 1 |
Row 3 | Row 3 | Row 3 |
const MyTable = () => ( <Table.ScrollView> <Table border outline size="medium"> <thead> <Tr noWrap> <Th>Column 1</Th> <Th>Column 2</Th> <Th>Column 3</Th> </Tr> </thead> <tbody> <Tr> <Td>Row 1</Td> <Td>Row 1</Td> <Td>Row 1</Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colSpan={3} align="right"> <Button>Button</Button> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td>Row 3</Td> <Td>Row 3</Td> <Td>Row 3</Td> </Tr> </tbody> </Table> </Table.ScrollView> ) render( <Card title="Card title" responsive={false} innerSpace={0} filled> <MyTable /> </Card>, )
With Grid
Grid wraps the Cards nicely on smaller screens.
Pariatur officia sit adipisicing pariatur commodo enim do quis
<Grid.Container columns={{ small: 1, medium: 3, large: 3, }} columnGap="small" > <Card stack> <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Text</P> </Card> <Card stack> <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Pariatur officia sit adipisicing pariatur commodo enim do quis</P> </Card> <Card stack> <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Text</P> </Card> </Grid.Container>
With Flex
While Flex has the horizontal direction, it uses rowGap when wrapping. So it's the container spacing the Cards then. This is not ideal, because the Cards should ideally have no gap, like in the Grid example above.
Pariatur officia sit adipisicing pariatur commodo enim do quis
<Flex.Container> <Card size={{ small: 'auto', medium: 4, large: 4, }} stack > <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Text</P> </Card> <Card size={{ small: 'auto', medium: 4, large: 4, }} stack > <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Pariatur officia sit adipisicing pariatur commodo enim do quis</P> </Card> <Card size={{ small: 'auto', medium: 4, large: 4, }} stack > <H2>Heading</H2> <P>Text</P> </Card> </Flex.Container>